Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hateful People

My boss hates me, and I've really no idea why. I know I'm not always the MODEL employee--mostly losing my temper when I feel used, or taken advantage of. But I'm not supposed to get mad. I'm supposed to address the issue with them calmly and professionally. I usually try that, once or twice. When the same stuff keep happening over, and over, and over, I get torked. Last time I got torked, she twisted the situation around 360 degree's, so that I was basically complaining about my job that I am paid to do? WTF?? When I reminded her that it is also the responsibility of the clinician to do their paperwork (instead of me having to nag them about it) she accused me of "deflecting".

Still no word about major staffing changes, so on Monday I sent an email to the head of the department to despel the rumors. I also CC'd her. As of yesterday afternoon, NOTHING. NOT ONE WORD. What's worse, is that she was down talking/visiting with everyone. She made sure we had no eye contact, and that she was busy if she thought I might speak to her first. Long before this incident she was acting the same way, very cool--avoidant, etc.

So, this hurts me. Hurts me bad. I don't deserve to be treated like this. GET A NEW JOB, you say. Well, not so easy in this piss-ass town of 24K. Next major city is 90 minutes away.

I don't know what to do. I searched on-line today at the job service site. Nothing. Wish I had a little more job skills. And, a college degree. Back in my day 1980---while important, one could still find a pretty decent job with benefits. Mind you, I had no intentions of getting rich. Now, I wish I had a trade just so I could excercise my options. Unemployment is not an option.

College education, that's a whole 'nuther blog. Maybe later on tonight.

Happy fucking new year!!

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